Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Slippery Slope

Well here it is NOVEMBER and I've let this blog slide again - kind of like my life. Sometimes I think I know what I'm doing here and then somehow I forget and backslide into self-doubt. Then, the inner critic comes roaring back to bite me on my ass. I'm sure I'm not alone?

I think many of us feel this way and it's all part of the human experience we're having. At the bottom of the hill (when we feel like we've failed), it looks daunting to climb back up to the top (that place where we are in complete harmony with ourselves and our world) but the point is to KEEP doing it - to never give up. Every time we make the journey we reap the reward of deeper knowledge of ourselves and gain confidence that we CAN do it again AND even come to enjoy the process. (Plus, I've realized that if I pay attention, I see that I'm never alone - there is always someone to help me up.) Of course, the point is to get to the top and STAY...don't know about you, but I'm not quite there yet and if I were - would I still be human?

So what part of the Hill are you standing on? Are you enjoying the view?

Today's Quote

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. ~ Helen Keller

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